Custom Products
Hollis Electronics has more than 40 years of experience working with customers, in a wide range of industries, to develop solutions to difficult problems. With expertise in signal generation, processing, and analyzing as well as hardware and software design, no problem is too tough.
Satellite Communications & Simulation
HEC first product, the BMLA (Burst Mode Link Analyzer) was developed to analyze satellite performance without taking the satellite offline. This saved the industry tens of millions of dollars. BMLAs are still used in satellite stations all over the world.
HEC used its knowledge of satellite communications to develop the HSDS, a satellite simulator that provides a tool for testing again, without using valuable satellite time. This tool helps developers identify and correct issues before a satellite is even launched.
Troposcatter Simulation
We have an ever increasing need for communication. It is even more vital when weather or other events have destroyed the communication infrastructure. Troposcatter leverages the clouds (not The Cloud where data is stored, but real clouds) to bounce signals from the sender to receiver. This type of communication can be set up from mobile units that can be put in place and provide results well before the physical infrastructure can be replaced.
Cellular Communications
How do you know that the cellular signal performance that you paid for is being delivered? HEC developed the WAVE-XG to analyze and confirm the actual data rates being delivered. This tool can simulate real-world conditions to test and prove performance.
And More..
HEC has developed a wide range of custom products from air quality testing electronics to tools to manage the operation of business machines and employees. We specialize in the "hard-to-solve" by applying